Sunday, August 19, 2012

I made a plan (well, sort of)

Hey Darling.

I have been in a list mood, and so I decided in the name of scheming, I would share my list with you. That way you know where my brain is at! If that's even possible. Here goes nothing:

When I graduate: Goals, Dreams, and Schemes

  1. Play an instrument and sing. Get music brain in gear, ya hear!
  2. Continue bike blog, new philosophy blog, or even (gasp!) write in a paper journal
  3. Read (at least) 1 book a month
  4. yoga is a practice, treat it as such and welcome the experience
  5. Keep writing letters
  6. Student teach, co-op volunteer: exercises in patience
  7. Help set Maddie up here with a sweet gig --> Food Kart!
  8. Write thank you to Aaron
  9. Start balancing budget (or even have a budget) and start making savings goal for business
  10. Pay off Student loans in 2 years (long shot but girl's gotta shoot for dem stars!)
I love you much. Cal me soon, k? 


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Food Carts on the Brain

What I dream of....

Whats probably more possible but still awesome...

So my fellow scheeeeeemer.. here are some ideas:

Name: Up BEET Foods 
On somedays there will be Street BEETS! (LIVE MUSIC!!)
Food Style: Yummy healthy, mostly vegetarian (I bet the lox up there are unreal and I am obsessed with lox these days). Lots of foods with Beets in them.
T Shirts: I'm going to do some designs and screen print them! I'm thinking maroon t shirt with white/greyish lettering.
Wild flowers

First tasks in hand:
1) Take a stroll around town surveying our competition and CRUSH THEIR HEADS!
2) Ask your friend what sort of permits/guidelines/boring stuff she had to go through
3) Develop a rough business plan
4) Keep scheming 

Friday, August 3, 2012

Sauna Scheme

So this will officially be the new time consumer in my life, but I cannot wait for the results. You should come take a steam with me!

So purdy!