I have been in a list mood, and so I decided in the name of scheming, I would share my list with you. That way you know where my brain is at! If that's even possible. Here goes nothing:
When I graduate: Goals, Dreams, and Schemes
- Play an instrument and sing. Get music brain in gear, ya hear!
- Continue bike blog, new philosophy blog, or even (gasp!) write in a paper journal
- Read (at least) 1 book a month
- yoga is a practice, treat it as such and welcome the experience
- Keep writing letters
- Student teach, co-op volunteer: exercises in patience
- Help set Maddie up here with a sweet gig --> Food Kart!
- Write thank you to Aaron
- Start balancing budget (or even have a budget) and start making savings goal for business
- Pay off Student loans in 2 years (long shot but girl's gotta shoot for dem stars!)
I love you much. Cal me soon, k?